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美容風暴席卷新加坡 男人女人都重外貌Fish tales, wax wails for beauty









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發表於 2017-8-26 13:16:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
  Beauty is big business in Singapore, where looking good is something of a national obsession.Turn any corner in this wealthy, tiny island and you're likely to find a spa, a slimming or manicure parlour, a hair salon or a waxing joint -- or all five next to each other.
  The emphasis on vitality is prevalent in many countries across Asia, but it appears to be most pressing in Singapore."Focussing on the body and looking good is very prominent in Singapore for men and women," Saroja Dorairajoo, sociology professor at the National University of Singapore, told Reuters."This is a society that depends on people skills more than any other, so it's not only what you have but how you present it, and the emphasis on that is quite amazing."
  There are no official figures on the number of beauty outlets in this country of 4.4 million people, but a quick glance through the telephone directory yields at least 3,000 listings.
  Manicure counters are a familiar sight in Singapore's ubiquitous shopping malls, which also boast at least one beauty salon each. On weekends, some nail "technicians" can be seen filing, polishing and pounding the hands and feet of customers on the sidewalks of Orchard Road, the city's main shopping street.
  And it is not a female-only realm, as evident by the numbers of men who sign into online beauty portal www.flowerpod.com.sg and the scores of male spa and salon customers.
  Singapore is Southeast Asia's fourth biggest economy and enjoys one of the highest per-capita incomes in the region. That means more people have more cash to spend, a factor that has spurred the beauty boom.
  (國際在線獨傢資訊 吳小蕊 未經允許請勿轉載)

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